Sunset trip to Finisterra

Default Gallery Type Template This is the default gallery type template, located in: /is/htdocs/wp1111857_10LOAPRYF4/www/photoblog/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_gallery_display/templates/index.php. If you’re seeing this, it’s because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it’s own. We took an evening trip to Cabo Fisterra which is a is a rock-bound peninsula on the west coast of Galicia – and also the end… Continue reading Sunset trip to Finisterra


Default Gallery Type Template This is the default gallery type template, located in: /is/htdocs/wp1111857_10LOAPRYF4/www/photoblog/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_gallery_display/templates/index.php. If you’re seeing this, it’s because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it’s own.

Cañon de Sil

One beautiful region! I guess we saw quite a bit of it when we took that really long involuntarily detour due to a google maps hickup – and that was good luck, because some bad weather was coming our way. Our tent tried to learn to fly that night that we arrived. However, the ongoing… Continue reading Cañon de Sil

Lago and Puebla de Sanabria

First real holiday feeling achieved at Lago de Sanabria @ Campsite “Los Robles”. Very charming place, small, quiet, friendly with a restaurant that has that amazing view over the lake. A short walk down to lake, with hardly anybody there- freezing water though! Default Gallery Type Template This is the default gallery type template, located… Continue reading Lago and Puebla de Sanabria


Northern Spain holidays – finally- on the way. First overnight pitstop is Burgos Default Gallery Type Template This is the default gallery type template, located in: /is/htdocs/wp1111857_10LOAPRYF4/www/photoblog/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_gallery_display/templates/index.php. If you’re seeing this, it’s because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it’s own.